53% faster metabolism (eat THIS tomorrow)

53% faster metabolism (eat THIS tomorrow)

If you wish you had more energy and a faster metabolism, then a simple “thyroid detox” may be in order. See…

Your thyroid sets the pace at which your body burns calories. So any time you struggle with fatigue and weight gain, a thyroid jumpstart may be all you need to kick your energy and weight loss into gear.

And this isn’t a detox like you might be thinking where you can only drink vegetable juice for 48-hours.

All you have to do to detox your thyroid is eliminate thyroid-stalling foods from your diet and replace them with thyroid-boosting foods…

And because your thyroid is a very “sensitive” gland, you can experience the energy and weight loss boost pretty quickly.

Most women who test this approach find it makes them feel totally recharged… and helps whisk off 10, 12, and even 15 pounds in just 14 days.

Thyroid-Stallers To Avoid

During your detox, you’ll cut out sugar and processed foods.

These are the biggest culprits when it comes to slowing down thyroid function.

The reason?

Sugar and processed foods cause inflammation in the body, and the more inflammation you have, the more sluggish your thyroid becomes.

Gluten — a protein found in wheat also slows down thyroid performance.

Thyroid-Boosters To Eat

To boost your thyroid, you’ll load up on foods that balance blood sugar and soothe inflammation — especially high-quality protein, antioxidant-rich produce, healthy fats, and spices.

Bitter foods like watercress, arugula, cabbage, orange peel, grapefruit, lemon, ginger, and even coffee help boost the thyroid.

All of these foods are proven to boost bile flow, too, which research now suggests is beneficial to thyroid function…

And that’s because it stimulates the production of thyroid hormones in fat cells, and seems to block fat storage, according to research from the University of California…

Plus, bile production helps to boost the metabolism by 53%. So you see…

Boosting your thyroid and metabolism can be really simple. Just make these quick swaps for the next week and you’ll notice a big difference to your energy and weight loss.

If you want some ideas for what you can eat, try these meals:


Option 1: Energy Blaster Thyroid Detox Smoothie:

… Whisk or shake together 8 oz. black coffee or dandelion root tea
… 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
… 2 Tbsp. cacao powder
… 2 Tbsp. full-fat coconut milk
… 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
… 1/8 tsp. sea salt
… 1/8 tsp. ginger
… a few drops of stevia (optional)
… and 1/2 grapefruit

Option 2: Whey Protein Pancakes:

… Whisk 2 eggs
… 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
… and 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
… And prepare pancake-style in a hot skillet using coconut oil and 1 cup blueberries or blackberries.


Thyroid Detox Juice Frappe:

… In a blender, blitz 8 oz. purified water
… small handful watercress
… 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
… 1/2 frozen peach
… 1 Tbsp. hemp seed oil
… 1 Tbsp. chia seeds
… and ice cubes (optional) until smooth.


Option 1: Fresh Tex Mex:

… 5 oz. lean ground meat sautéed
… with unlimited onion, bell pepper, and a pinch organic taco seasoning
… serve in large lettuce leaves with salsa and 2 Tbsp. guacamole.

Option 2: Coco Chicken and Veggies

… 5 oz. chicken marinated in juice of 1/2 lime
… 1/8 tsp. each coriander, ginger and garlic; sauté in 1/2 Tbsp. coconut oil
… unlimited veggies roasted with 1/2 Tbsp. coconut oil.

Between Meals

You can enjoy unlimited sliced veggies spritzed with lemon juice or dipped in apple cider vinegar.

Give those meals a shot to boost your thyroid and check in with me to let me know how you feel!

“Lost Hormone” fights cancer and aging

"Lost Hormone" fights cancer and aging

I just read a crazy study from earlier this year that found vitamin D can possibly prevent up to 30,000 cancer deaths per year in folks 50+ in Germany…

(It was a German study… but the same results apply everywhere.)

But before I get into the details in the study…

I want to clear up some misinformation about vitamin D.

Vitamin D isn’t actually a vitamin…

It’s a hormone disguised as a vitamin…

And it helps regulate more than 1,000 functions in your body…

So if your vitamin D levels aren’t optimal…

You won’t maintain your best health…

And like these studies show…

It can have truly life-changing effects.

Three reviews of large clinical studies have been published in recent years…

To learn how vitamin D affects cancer mortality rates…

And the researchers found cancer mortality is reduced by 13% across all cancers when folks over 50 supplement with vitamin D.

Doctors from Harvard agree, saying…

“Researchers analyzed data from a prospective study, involving 33,736 people ages 40 to 69…

The people gave blood samples and were put into four groups, ranging from the lowest to highest levels of vitamin D…

They were then monitored for an average of 16 years, during which time 3,301 new cases of cancer were recorded among the participants…

After adjusting for several known cancer risk factors, such as age, weight, physical activity, smoking, alcohol intake, and dietary factors…

The researchers found that high levels of vitamin D were associated with a 20% lower relative risk of cancer in both men and women compared with low vitamin D levels.”

Honestly, I don’t know why this isn’t common knowledge…

But it’s definitely worth taking action and telling your loved ones.

Some ways you can naturally boost vitamin D levels are by spending a half hour a day in the sun…

Because sunlight is rich in vitamin D…

And your skin is really good at absorbing it.

You can also eat more salmon, fresh tuna, cage-free eggs, and mushrooms to get more vitamin D into your diet.

There’s always vitamin D supplementation, too.

One of the great things about vitamin D is that you can get it for really cheap…

I’m talking pennies-per-day cheap.

If you decide to go that route…

I suggest taking it in gel cap form or applying vitamin D + K2 drops under your tongue to boost absorption and effectiveness.

This bean fights Alzheimer’s

This bean fights Alzheimer’s

Your brain is a storage bank for all your memories, favorite activities, and everything you need to function on a daily basis…

But if you aren’t paying attention to eating certain kinds of foods, all those precious keepsakes stored inside your brain may start to “fall out”.

As you get older, it becomes super important to prioritize your brain health…

And there’s a certain kind of bean you can eat every day that’ll help improve cognitive function and ward off brain degeneration.

This bean is the kidney bean…

Which is packed with a vitamin known as folate.

Folate is an essential vitamin, meaning your body does not make it on its own. It needs to get folate from your diet.

Folate is used in the body for DNA creation and repair, cell division, protein synthesis, and making healthy red blood cells…

It’s also involved in a number of metabolic processes, and it plays a significant role in the nervous system…

Which makes folate one of the most important nutrients for brain health — especially in aging adults.

Research shows that having low levels of folate in the blood is associated with poor cognitive function… and an increased risk of dementia in older individuals.

Other studies show that even being on the lower end of “normal” blood folate levels increases the risk of cognitive decline…

But the good news is the opposite is true, too…

Some studies suggest increasing folate intake may improve brain functioning in those with cognitive impairment…

And one 2019 study showed that taking 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid per day for two years led to significant improvements in brain function. Plus…

Compared to the control group, participants taking folic acid scored better on the verbal IQ test, and showed lower levels of proteins commonly found in those with Alzheimer’s disease.

On top of that, studies show folate may help protect against mood disorders. In fact…

Depression has been linked with folate deficiency… and some research suggests that you may be able to boost your mood by getting more of it.

So again…

A great way to get more folate into your diet is by eating kidney beans… and other foods that are high in folate like beef liver, asparagus, spinach and lentils.

Try to make these a staple in your daily routine to protect your brain health and all those precious keepsakes stored up there.

“Protein swap” scrubs off cellulite

"Protein swap" scrubs off cellulite

If you want to shrink your waistline and smooth the backs of your thighs at the same time…

Then you’ll love this simple “protein swap” that will drop inches and pounds…

And tighten up your skin from top to bottom…

So much that it’ll look like you took a sponge and scrubbed the cellulite clean off your backside!

All you have to do is “trick” your body into burning fat and building firmer, more dimple-resistant skin…

By swapping the types of protein you eat on a daily basis…

So on some days you’ll focus on eating more vegetarian protein…

On others more seafood…

Others more poultry and meat…

And then other days you’ll drink a protein shake…

And you’ll mix and match and switch and swap to ensure that you have high levels of every kind of amino acid in your body.

If you didn’t know already, amino acids are the building blocks of protein.

And studies show that eating a diet rich in a variety of proteins, will help boost your metabolism to melt away stubborn belly fat…

And stimulate the growth of firm connective tissue to smooth away cellulite.

And if you want to REALLY want to crank up your results, try cutting out the carbs for a week.

Replace fruits, breads and pastas with lots of vegetables and a handful of nuts with your protein.

The reason that works so well is because carbs are your body’s preferred fuel source…

So when you take carbs away, your body needs to find a different fuel source…


Here’s a sample of a normal protein swap day that I hope you’ll try this week (notice how much variety there is):


… 2 eggs, any style, cooked in 1 Tbsp. avocado or olive oil
… 1 small sliced tomato, drizzle oil, fresh basil


Anti-Cellulite Smoothie:

… In blender, blitz 1 scoop of any flavor BCAA (branch chained amino acid) powder
… 1 Tbsp. coconut or avocado oil
… 1 Tbsp. chia seeds
… 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
… a dash of cinnamon
… ice and/or water for desired consistency


Portobello Melt:

… Drizzle 1 portobello mushroom cap with olive oil and broil 5 minutes per side
… Meanwhile, mix 5 oz. canned tuna, salmon, chicken or crab
… 2 Tbsp. sour cream
… 1/2 tsp. Mustard
… And 2 Tbsp. each chopped walnuts and red onion.
… Spoon on mushroom halves…
… Top each with 1/2 slice Cheddar cheese
… Broil until cheese melts and enjoy.


Tuscan Salad:

… Toss 1 serving cooked shrimp, turkey or chicken
… With unlimited bell pepper, red onion, greens
… And 1 oz. shredded mozzarella cheese
… And a few sliced olives
… Dress with 1 Tbs. olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt and pepper to taste.

As a general rule of thumb, you can eat three meals a day, each with a palm-sized serving of high-quality protein, unlimited non starchy vegetables and up to 2 servings of healthy oil or avocado.

Aim for lots of variety when choosing protein and for the fastest results, add any flavor amino acid supplement mixed in water or a smoothie 2-3 times a day.


Popular “immunity vitamin” slows thyroid?

Popular "immunity vitamin" slows thyroid?

It’s no secret that vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients for immunity and treating the common cold…

And while you never have to worry about getting too much vitamin C when you eat foods that are high in vitamin C… you SHOULD tread carefully when you start taking vitamin C in supplement form.

Taking vitamin C at doses higher than 2,000 mg per day can have negative side effects to your health.

Initial symptoms that you may be consuming too much vitamin C could include digestive troubles and diarrhea.

Research also shows that taking too much vitamin C may harm the kidneys.

The reason is because excess vitamin C gets excreted through the urine as a waste product called oxalate…

And the kidneys have to work harder to eliminate high amounts of oxalate from the body. Plus…

Oxalate can bind to other minerals, which creates kidney stones. Even worse…

One New Zealand study linked some cases of kidney failure to vitamin C supplementation, though this is considered rare.

Another side effect of taking too much vitamin C is that it can boost iron absorption…

And while that’s generally a good thing, having too much iron in the body can damage your thyroid, which slows down your metabolism and weight loss.

So what should you do to avoid too much vitamin C? Well…

If you want to take a vitamin C supplement, make sure you choose one that stays at or near the 100% daily value.

The recommended daily intake for vitamin C for adult women is 75 mg per day.

For the most part, I suggest getting vitamin C from whole foods in your diet.

Eat more citrus fruits, peppers, strawberries, kiwis, potatoes, and broccoli.

If you do that, you’ll keep your immune strong and your thyroid healthy!

How doctors recover from covid

How doctors recover from covid

I’m sure you’re doing everything you can to avoid catching covid or any other virus for that matter. Because at the end of the day, no one likes to be sick in bed counting the hours and days until you find relief.

But still, it’s normal to worry about how you’d take care of yourself if you became infected. That’s why in today’s email I want to tell you how real life doctors have recovered from covid and are back running at full speed.

Steam In the Morning

A hot soak first thing in the morning, followed by applying Vicks VapoRub to her chest, helped urgent-care physician Jehanne Julien-Banica, D.O., of New York, feel better while she was battling Covid.

“A 15-minute bath calmed the cough that hit when I woke up,” she says. And applying the rub to her chest eased the burning sensation when she breathed.

Plus, studies show steam reduces the airway inflammation that triggers coughing, while the camphor, eucalyptus and menthol in the rub open nasal passages. So this is a proven way to calm the body and breathe easier.

Drink A Protein Smoothie

When someone contracts covid, the body starts to break down muscle tissue for energy to keep everything running. That’s according to Sanjay Dogra, M.D., a pulmonary critical-care specialist in Michigan.

But getting enough protein into your diet protects and even builds muscle, so you feel less tired.

That’s why he added protein powder to berry smoothies daily when he was ill. The berries helped to boost the immune system and the protein helped to replace broken down muscle tissue.

Try A New Sleep Position

The way you sleep can make it difficult to breathe. And if you have a hard time breathing while you sleep, it makes it very challenging to get a refreshing night of rest and for your body to recover from an infection.

Changing positions in bed and sitting upright helped Michael Cascarina, M.D., breathe easier while sleeping, which he credits with helping him recover from covid faster.

(If you haven’t tried them already, wedge pillows can help you sleep comfortably at an incline.)

Keep Moving

Even if it’s just walking to the kitchen, it’s very important to keep active if you get sick.

“I tried to stay out of bed except for naps and sleeping at night,” John DeTullio, M.D., a pulmonologist/critical care physician in New Jersey, said about his experience with covid.

He clocked at least 3,000 steps daily from his bedroom during his recovery. Staying active gives the lungs some exercise and helps them expand and stay strong.

Keep A Pulse Oximeter Nearby

“Feeling winded is scary,” says Dr. Dogra. So it can give folks peace of mind to monitor oxygen levels at home.”

The easiest way to do that is to use a pulse oximeter, which clips onto your fingertip and measures blood oxygen levels.

Readings of 92 percent and above are a good sign. If your reading dips below 90 percent, call your doctor.

Lay On Your Belly

While resting (but not while sleeping), Dr. DeTullio lays on his stomach.

This opens air sacs deep within the lungs to prevent pneumonia-causing toxins from collecting there.

Studies also suggest this strategy (called proning) may help boost oxygen levels in covid patients.

Of course, it’s a bummer that these doctors caught covid. But it’s really great that we can learn from their experience and how they recovered so we can apply it to our own lives if that day ever comes.

So, as always…

Stay safe and take the proper precautions… but keep this list in your back pocket… and not only for covid. These recovery techniques will help anytime you’re feeling under the weather.

All the best.

Immune system test

Immune system test

Here’s a little self-checkup from the University of Pennsylvania Medical School…

If you answer “yes” to any one of the questions below then make sure you keep reading because I’ve added some simple tips for boosting your immune system after the quiz.

– Do you feel stressed and anxious a lot of the time?
– Do you have a cold more than three times per year?
– Do you have frequent tummy troubles?
– Are your wounds slow to heal?
– Do you develop infections easily?
– Do you feel tired often?

If you answered “yes,” there’s no need to be alarmed. But there ARE some steps you can take to give your immune system a little boost.

And if you practice these little tiny immunity hacks I’m willing to bet you’ll notice a difference sooner rather than later.

Here’s a few of them…

– Get at least 8-hours of sleep per night…

– Eat red bell peppers…

– Eat citrus fruits (grapefruits and oranges)…

– Cook with coconut oil…

– Eat more fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut (or take a probiotic)…

– Go for a walk in the sun…

– Stay hydrated…

– Manage stress by keeping a journal, stretching or meditating…

Give those a try and you’ll give your immune system a noticeable lift. And for the best immune defense, try to do at least one or two of these things a day to stay consistent.

Here’s why all of those questions matter…


Do you feel stressed and anxious a lot of the time?

It’s not a coincidence that you tend to get sick after a big life change or following an emotional situation at home.

According to a report by the American Psychological Association, long-term stress weakens the responses of your immune system. That’s because stress lowers white blood cells that your body needs to fight infections.


Do you have a cold more than three times per year?

It’s perfectly normal for adults to sneeze and sniffle through two or three colds each year. Most people bounce back in seven days and during that time, the immune system develops antibodies to fight off pesky germs.

But if you constantly catch colds, or your cold doesn’t run its course within a week, it means your immune system is having a hard time keeping up.


Do you have frequent tummy troubles?

If you have frequent diarrhea, gas or constipation, it could be a sign that your immune system is compromised.

Research shows 70 percent of your immune system is located in your gut. The beneficial bacteria and microorganisms that live there defend you from infection and support the immune system.

Low amounts of these helpful gut bacteria can leave you at risk to viruses, chronic inflammation and even autoimmune disorders.


Are your wounds slow to heal?

This healing process depends on healthy immune cells.

But if your immune system is sluggish, your skin can’t regenerate. Instead, your wounds linger and have a hard time healing.


Do you develop infections easily?

If you battle frequent infections, your immune system may be sending you red flags.

The American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology reports that signs of a possible immune deficiency in adults include:

Having more than four ear infections in one year…
Developing pneumonia twice during a one-year period…
Suffering from chronic sinusitis or more than three episodes of bacterial sinusitis in a year…
Needing more than two courses of antibiotics a year…


Do you feel tired often?

If you’re getting enough sleep (8 hours a night) and you still find yourself crawling to the couch for a nap, your immune system may be trying to tell you something.

When your immune system is sluggish, so are your energy levels. That’s because your body’s trying to conserve energy to fuel your immune system and fight off germs.


So now that you know the reason behind each question in the quiz, don’t forget to try out some of the immune boosting tips I gave you above. You’ll be glad you did.