5 effortless ways to keep lean muscle and strong bones

5 effortless ways to keep lean muscle and strong bones

Keeping your muscles and bones strong is key to lifelong independence, weight loss, and being able to live a healthy, active life…

Instead of letting your body deteriorate like so many people do as they get older. However…

I know that as your schedule gets busy and time goes by, it can get hard to find time to keep your body in shape…

Which is why I want to give you 5 effortless ways to maintain lean muscles and bones that don’t involve hitting the gym or starting any kind of strenuous workout plan.

1. Sit down, stand up

Guess what the #1 predictor of independence is for a woman in her 90s…

Strong thighs.

The reason? Well, strong thighs help you get out of chairs, climb stairs, and get around.

A simple way to boost thigh strength is to use a simple “chair exercise”:

Slowly sit down on the chair and then stand back up without using your hands to push you out of your seat.

Repeat this 10 times, 3x per day.

2. Make guacamole dip

According to research from Ohio State University, eating four avocados a week can help prevent muscle breakdown — and can cut your risk of bone fractures by 35%…

That’s because the plant fats in avocados speed the repair of worn and aging muscles and increase the production of the bone-building hormone osteocalcin.

Dip vegetables like carrots, broccoli, or even cucumbers into your guacamole dip. And if you want a chip option, my favorite is organic pita chips.

3. Rake up weed trimmings

Just 10 minutes of resistance exercise daily can prevent bone thinning and increase your muscle strength by 48%…

Which makes you 5x more likely to stay active and independent as you age…

And researchers from Texas Tech University say lifestyle workouts like doing yard work, carrying grocery bags into the house, and other activities that involve lifting, moving, sweeping, or raking, are as effective as lifting weights.

4. Eat oatmeal

Oatmeal is high in bone supporting minerals like magnesium and manganese that can help cut your risk of breaks by 45%.

Oats are also high in calcium, copper, and zinc – which are found in your bones and are essential for keeping them strong and healthy. In fact…

Simply having more copper, zinc and magnesium means that your bones are better able to absorb calcium, leading to even better bone health.

Just eat one cup of oatmeal a day to get the minerals you need.

5. Bask in the sun

Getting 20-minutes of sun per day cuts bone and muscle loss by 33%…

And will give you the stamina to do chores 30% longer according to research from Cornell University.

The reason sun supports muscle and bone health is because your skin absorbs vitamin D from sunshine, which supports bone strength and muscle-building hormones to keep you strong and healthy.

So there you have it…

5 effortless ways to keep lean muscle and strong bones…

Try to fit at least one of these into your daily routine, and you’ll keep your muscles and bones in great shape.

Eat like a “mama bear” diet

Eat like a "mama bear" diet

There’s a certain trick that mama bears do every year that’s strangely connected to women’s weight loss. See…

Black bears hibernate for months at a time…

Which means they don’t eat. They don’t drink. They just rest…

And scientists from Harvard found that when women apply a similar routine, it leads to fast weight loss. Now…

That does NOT mean you need to skip meals for months at a time. But if you apply the same “mama bear” hibernation principle, you’ll notice amazing changes to your figure, energy, and overall health.

Scientists call this method “time restricted eating,” or “intermittent fasting.”

Here’s how it works…

All you have to do is create two “windows” of time each day.

During one of those windows, the “hibernation” window, you won’t eat…

Kind of like when a mama bear hibernates and doesn’t eat…

But during the next window, the “feeding” window, you will eat…

Like when a mama bear comes out of hibernation and eats.

Simple, right?

Just by restricting the time that you eat during the day, you’ll naturally and easily lose weight.

And even better…

During periods when you don’t eat, your “hibernating” body burns fat for fuel…

And that’s because when you don’t eat, your body still needs fuel to keep going…

But instead of getting that fuel from food, your body burns stored fat from around your belly, thighs, and everywhere else.

The best way to use the mama bear hibernation method is to give yourself an 8-hour feeding window…

And you’ll eat two or three meals within that 8-hour window. See…

Anytime you eat, it increases insulin levels…

Insulin is a good hormone, but it’s also the main hormone responsible for weight gain…

And as long as insulin is present in the bloodstream, your body cannot burn fat…

So eating fewer meals throughout the day to lower insulin will help you lose weight automatically.

As a side benefit, time-restricted eating activates a “self-cleaning” mode…

That allows your body to purge toxic waste and damaged cells…

Which also helps to kill cravings and amp up energy.

It’s amazing what this simple change to your daily routine can do…

And even though it may take some getting used to, it makes losing weight much easier. So…

To make time restricted eating as easy as possible, here’s what I recommend:

Make dinner your last meal of the day.

This will help you avoid late night snacking. Plus…

You can begin your “hibernation window” between 6-8pm…

Which means you’ll sleep through most of it. See…

If you start your “hibernation window” at 6pm…

And your goal is to refrain from eating for 16-hours…

Then you’ll be able to eat again at 10am the next morning.

Sounds pretty easy right?

If you have your last meal at 8pm, and you keep from eating for 16-hours…

Then you’ll be able to eat at noon the next day…

Which isn’t too bad either…

And to make that intermittent fasting window as easy as possible…

When you wake up the next morning, drink a tall glass of water…

And sip on coffee and water throughout the morning until you’ve completed your “hibernation window.”

Then, when you’ve completed your 16-hours, you can eat again.

I recommend that when you start eating again, you eat a big salad…

Salads are filling, healthy, and they’ll keep you satisfied until your next meal.

When you do that, there’s no doubt you’ll see some amazing changes to your body and health.

So give this mama bear method a try and let me know what you think.

60-second weight loss

60-second weight loss

Losing weight can take no time at all…

And in today’s email I want to give you 7 60-second weight loss tricks that can help shrink your waistline and firm up your body in less than a minute.

1. Do Jumping Jacks

Studies show that you get better results from exercise when you do them in short, all-out bursts than if you were to spend 30-minutes on a treadmill. Set a timer on your phone for 60-seconds and do as many jumping jacks as you can to get a fat-burning boost whenever you want one.

2. Drink A Glass of Water

Staying hydrated helps keep you satisfied and energized between meals. It also keeps you from getting hungry… because a lot of times when you’re thirsty your body confuses it with hunger… which leads to pesky cravings. Every hour or two, stop by the sink and drink 8 ounces of water.

3. Use A Mirror

Put a mirror near your table when you eat. Scientists found that when you eat unhealthy foods (like chocolate chip cookies or kids’ cereal) in front of a mirror, it causes foods to be “less tasty.” The less tasty they are, the less you’ll want to eat them. I suggest only using the mirror trick when you don’t have company over.

4. Chew Gum

Chewing gum burns a few calories but the biggest benefit is that it curbs your appetite. The action of chewing helps distract your mouth and your brain from thinking about food, which helps to keep you from mindless snacking.

5. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a wildly underrated vitamin for weight loss. Not only will it help protect your bones, strengthen your muscles, and lower your risk for cancer; but studies show that one pill a day can help block the effects of cortisol, a stress hormone that leads to excess tummy fat.

6. Light A Candle

When you’re finished with dinner, light a scented candle in your home. But not just any scented candle. Studies show the aroma of vanilla can help to reduce sugar cravings.

7. Ginger Tea Before Bed

Ginger root plays a key role in weight loss by reducing your body’s production of insulin, the hormone responsible for raising blood sugar levels. When your blood sugar is balanced, you’re less likely to snack. Ginger also helps you feel full and helps burn fat by turning up your metabolism.

Give those 7 60-second weight loss tricks a try this week and let me know which one you love the most!